Plastic surgery involving the nose is called 'rhinoplasty'.
Many of the most abusive internships involving low-level tasks and grunt-type work are plainly illegal under this standard.
There is a crisis involving reading in certain communities.
I have no interest in interfering or involving myself in journalistic integrity or process.
My life has been varied, involving many jobs, but I have always been impatient with injustice.
Poverty was a relationship, I thought, involving poor and rich people alike.
I have enjoyed every call. The ones involving direct contact with people have been most rewarding.
Any discussion involving the ownership of women's bodies is one to be had! We must manifest the right!
When somebody asks for a favor involving information, if you don't know him or can't verify his identity, just say no.
Most uses of bioassay involving smooth muscle demand high sensitivity and specificity.
Altruism, especially involving basic freedoms, can be what shareholders value most.
My favorite film involving scarves was little Edie in 'Grey Gardens.' I often wear scarves like that, under hats.
Truthfully, I think anything involving Tebow opens people's eyes.
I'd like to do something involving jazz. But books are how I earn my living, and I'd like to stay with the horse I rode in on.
Expect systems involving large numbers of sensors, eventually scaling to 8-10 cameras per car.