If solid happiness we prize, within our breast this jewel lies, and they are fools who roam; the world has nothing to bestow, from our own selves our bliss must flow, and that dear hut-our home.
The eye is the jewel of the body.
It's a good way to entice the men into the jewelry store, because, usually, they see jewelry and they run the other way.
Jewellery people are paying, shoe people are paying, tampon companies are paying, everyone is paying.
I love minimalistic jewellery with a contemporary touch.
Jewellery is a way of making a very simple outfit something you can wear to go out.
I love jewelry - gold and diamonds. I'm a woman.
I like - not so much jewelry and that - but jackets, clothes, games as well.
I have a lot of lion jewellery and lion art. I also love crystals.
If it wasn't for golf, I'd probably still be peddling jewelry or be in the sugar mills somewhere.
I'm not a big spender. I don't get into all the jewelry and all that.
I don't need jewels and cars. It's about the delicacy of the way I'm handled.
Be it jewel or toy, not the prize gives the joy, but the striving to win the prize.
A little jewellery on a man is OK, although he should never wear too much. Every man should always have a great watch.
You don't wear all your jewellery at once. You're much more believable if you talk in your own voice.
Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles.
I think a bit of jewellery that cheers you up for the day isn't a bad thing.
Watches are the only jewelry men can wear, unless you're Mr. T.
Children's publishing is the jewel in the crown of British publishing.
I thought that was the crown jewel of the reporter's resume - to actually go to jail protecting a source.
Not on one strand are all life's jewels strung.
I'd rather wear jewels in my hair than anywhere else. The face should have the advantage of this brilliance.
I haven't worn jewelry since one of the front teeth I had made into an earring became no longer necessary because I lost the ear.
None can guess the jewel by the casket.
The jewel of the air is the sun; the jewel of the house is the child.
Silence is a wonderful jewel for a woman but she seldom wears it.
Silence is a fine jewel for a woman, but it is little worn.
Only a certain amount of flowers and jewels are beautiful.
Christ has made my soul beautiful with the jewels of grace and virtue.
Consistency is a paste jewel that only cheap men cherish.