All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.
When we accept tough jobs as a challenge to our ability and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen.
When we accept tough jobs as a challenge and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen.
Today's data bodes well for friday's jobs report and the hawks in the philadelphia fed.
London needs jobs along with housing, the two can sit side-by-side very well.
The jobs go up and down.
These also are jobs where people rely on social skills, which tend to be constant or improve with age.
The tech jobs aren't going anywhere, those are the jobs in demand right now.
People are finding jobs and getting paid more for them, better employment growth means the fed will raise rates faster.
Banza is now in 1500 stores and has created 30 jobs in michigan.
We could be creating jobs in farming, energy, tourism, and more on these reclaimed mines.
Those jobs were stolen. And the politicians let it happen.
Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.
The rulemaking process seems to have completely butchered and gutted the jobs act's intent.
Their jobs are hard enough, without having to sort out what kind of smoke or vapor they may see.
I've always had jobs with hierarchies - wherever I worked, like McDonald's, or cleaning toilets. It's always been hard.
Middle class jobs prevent crime and violence.
I don't think Steve Jobs had much desire to share his fortune.
I once said, 'Steve Jobs is the American Xavier Niel,' but that was humour.
There are very few jobs where you're held up to public scrutiny.
One of the hardest jobs in ministry is keeping your own relationship with God where it needs to be.
These people that are in consuming jobs - you forget to do one thing. And that's to take care of yourself.
Green jobs - those are jobs that feel like new economy jobs; they do require some training.
The jobs I enjoy most are the ones where I never feel like I'm performing. I'm just feeling things.
Team doctors' jobs those days were to keep you on the field.
People in jobs that they hate must be worn out.
For me, one of the jobs of an artist is to try to see changes taking place.
I'm so blessed to have as many jobs that I have, but I do agree that there needs to be some downtime.
We have too many actors for the jobs available.
Jobs will come back when the economy recovers, but they will never be the same.