Bumper sticker: my kid beat the heck out of the student of the month.
To encourage my little kid to eat I'd sometimes say: "just pretend it's sand."
In opposition to sex education: let the kids today learn it where we did - in the gutter.
Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up - 'cause they're looking for ideas.
I was not a classic mother. But my kids were never palmed off to boarding school. So, I didn't bake cookies. You can buy cookies, but you can't buy love.
Got a kid who fell in the pond. I just got him, I got a civilian who got him out. I'm still in the pond. Almost drowned.
I am crying, but these are tears of joy, my kids aren't the first kids to die.
We've seen these kids take a real leadership role on this issue.
Our kids are stateless. We don't have travel documents – nothing.
It's their mum that kidnapped them, and that's what we know. She contacted me and told me she has the kids.
She was all about her kids. Her kids were her no. 1.
It's really important for them to have this opportunity, these kids will talk about this all year long.
Parents need to protect their kids from this assault, who could imagine that we are in this place today – but we are.
Trees like to have kids climb on them, but trees are much bigger than we are, and much more forgiving.
It's awesome, the kids want to eat it. The teachers want to eat it. Normally cafeteria food is gross.
Nothing else was working, I can't have my kid dying because no one wants to listen.
The kids learn to make a music video. They do the full video production process to their song that they created.
The kids call her Grandma Gen Gen.
There are some kids that I feel are being highly abused.
Another black kid gone, no big deal. Another black kid in jail, no big deal, we've become numb.
There was nothing' hood' about him, he was a good kid and I don't have him no more.
If you didn't root for these kids the way all of us do, we wouldn't be where we're at either commercially or critically.
Terrorist? Are you kidding me?
Kids are often really struggling with this, and there are just not a lot of resources for them.
My kids are my life, those smiles light up my life.
I'm incredibly impressed with what that kid has done.
So many kids these days are into electronics and things like that and Milo can be so much more patient than parents.
He's doing as well as can be expected. He's a 10-year-old kid away from his family. This is not an easy thing.
If I see a picture of a kid with a scooter, I'm now going to Google the scooter, and see if it's right for my child.
These classes are to show kids that they can pursue their own passions in order to improve their lives.