In opposition to sex education: let the kids today learn it where we did - in the gutter.
Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up - 'cause they're looking for ideas.
I was not a classic mother. But my kids were never palmed off to boarding school. So, I didn't bake cookies. You can buy cookies, but you can't buy love.
I am crying, but these are tears of joy, my kids aren't the first kids to die.
We've seen these kids take a real leadership role on this issue.
Our kids are stateless. We don't have travel documents – nothing.
She was all about her kids. Her kids were her no. 1.
It's really important for them to have this opportunity, these kids will talk about this all year long.
Parents need to protect their kids from this assault, who could imagine that we are in this place today – but we are.
Trees like to have kids climb on them, but trees are much bigger than we are, and much more forgiving.
It's awesome, the kids want to eat it. The teachers want to eat it. Normally cafeteria food is gross.
These are innocents. These are little kids that are dying 100 percent-avoidable deaths.
A younger partner has more energy, and usually fewer or no kids of his or her own.
We've got kids all across this country who never see a park. We've got to change that.
I'm trying to let my kids live in peace, I don't want them to worry.
It is not, if our kids will be killed. It is, when will they be killed and what are we doing to prevent it?
Kids are wonderful, but I like mine barbecued.
All he was trying to do was to keep his kids warm.
We don't recommend parents get their kids tested unless they have any specific concerns.
With all due respect to my generation back in the 60s, the kids today are much more articulate.
Kids often feel like you're not really here, you're not paying attention.
There are kids doing back flips on dirt bikes, there are way worse things they can be doing.
We would have had kids five, six years ago if it had happened, it's been a process. We've seen fertility doctors.
It's like, ' I have money, I 'm in the front of line now. All you poor kids get in the back of the line, '.
Ivanka is a mother of three kids and she has influence. I'm sure she said: 'listen, this is horrible stuff,'.
Kids are like magic mirrors, where we can see our fresh and immaculate past!
These kids aren't people who cheated, it's simply a question of procedure in communicating where they were.
Each of the kids had three to eight bullets in them, there is just something wrong if that can happen.
My school in particular has made slight gains, but my kids are well below the proficiency line.
The kids are footballers, are strong and have high immunity.