It's not the drinking to be blamed, but the excess.
We are making great efforts to restore peace and quiet to jerusalem.
Ensure that the cooking area never touches the sidewall of northern or eastern side.
You don't come into government thinking it is going to be easy.
So you could be talking to somebody and having a conversation with them about something that happened the day before or a month ago or a year ago and everything seems fine.
An actor's a guy who, if you ain't talking about him ain't listening.
We`re looking at idaho or montana I think. We`re ready to get out of town even farther than this.
President Trump is taking foreign money through his businesses, which is in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
When we launch a product, we're already working on the next one. And possibly even the next, next one.
I'm a walking contradiction. I am funny that way.
We're looking for people who want to be part of something bigger. We don't want people who see us as a stepping stone.
I was a backstage kid. I was in the wings looking out.
Talking is easy, action difficult.
They just want to love and be involved in making people happy.
I'm interested in making art that is available to everybody.
If you go looking for a friend, you're going to find they're very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere.
Fabio kept asking me out, but I knew we'd never get his ego through the door.
We are working in a different environment, we're taking care of patients. We have a different sort of ethical obligation.
Even ugly faces are worth looking at - and that is a great comfort for most people.
Working in film tends to isolate actors - it's your close-up; it's all about you.
Working with a kid is just so interesting to see.
I think taking care of yourself, health-wise, in every way, is a 100 percent winner.
My faith in my filmmaking changed on the heels of 'Titan.' It allowed me to pursue things that I previously would have questioned.
I enjoy working in movies that appeal to and will be seen by many people.
I'm always looking for the creative spark. Always.
That time, making 'Disco Pigs,' was kind of the most important period of my life. The people I met there remain my closest friends.
Really and truly, I don't like talking about refereeing decisions.
I'm always making a comeback but nobody ever tells me where i've been.
I am very open to looking at potential tax changes to improve housing affordability.
I never stop working when I'm on stage, and that's my fitness.