Knowing hens lay even in nettles.
The egg will be more knowing than the hen.
Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail.
Until death there is no knowing what may befal.
Virtue is not knowing but doing.
The fox is knowing, but more knowing he who catches him.
Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy.
No one is worse, for knowing the worst of themselves.
Knowing what is right does not make a sagacious man.
You too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
Knowing how to be forbearing alone makes one victorious.
Knowing that the other person is angry, one who remains mindful and calm acts for his own best interest and for the other's interest, too.
Disputational knowing wants customers. It has no soul.
Ignorance is god's prison. Knowing is god's palace.
It's a bait for popularity. Disputational knowing wants customers. It has no soul... The only real customer is god. Chew quietly your sweet sugarcane god-love, and stay playfully childish.
Success is knowing that your contribution is what helps the collective.
When you do make losses, or you have businesses that don't succeed, it's about knowing when to stop and do something else.
I write linearly without knowing the full story. I discover it as I write it.
My go-to author for knowing it all is Evelyn Waugh. 'A Handful of Dust' is as perfect as a book can get.
With time, I am knowing my game better.
All the miseries of mankind come from one thing, not knowing how to remain alone.
We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.
Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.
Freedom is knowing who you really are.
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.
Knowing how people will use something is essential.
My methodology is not knowing what I'm doing and making that work for me.
Being an entertainer includes knowing how to connect with an audience.
If a man is worth knowing at all, he is worth knowing well.
Knowing sorrow well, I learn to succor the distressed.