'Avatar The Last Airbender' is, to my mind, the greatest American animated series ever produced. The characters lived and breathed.
'Doctor Who' would be overnight fame that would last for three years, and then what? I'm in this for the long term.
'Easy Rider' and 'The Last Movie' were the only films that I made totally on my own.
'Extreme Prejudice' is the last of the Mohicans. I don't think we'll ever see a film made like that again.
'Heart on Fire' didn't do as well as the last record in most territories, but South Africa is one of the places it did really well.
'Hogan's Heroes' lasted longer than the war.
'Misery' left a lasting mark on me. When I die, it will be 'Kathy 'Misery' Bates Is Dead.'
'The Green Turtle' wasn't all that popular. He lasted only five issues of Blazing Comics before disappearing into obscurity.
'The Last Five Years' was a musical in 2002, and it's a deconstruction of a marriage.
'The Last Kingdom''s got its roots in history, and it's a lot grittier. It doesn't have the 'Game of Thrones' gloss.
'The Last Seduction,' 'Sleepless in Seattle' and 'While You Were Sleeping' did a lot to get me noticed for bigger roles.
'The Next Ten Minutes' from 'The Last Five Years' is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.
'Tis said that wrath is the last thing in a man to grow old.
'Tough' is one of the last adjectives I would use to describe myself.
'Transformers The Last Knight' is a different kind of movie.
No wonder lasts more than three days.
The anvil lasts longer than the hammer.
The applause of the people is a blast of air.
The last comer shuts the door.
There are no birds in last year's nest.
Who dangles after the great is the last at table and the first to be cuffed.
A rash man, a skin of good wine, and a glass vessel, do not last long.
Eternal peace lasts only until the next war.
Peace lasts until the army comes, and the army lasts until peace comes.
The morning sun never lasts a day.
A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood.
Patience is a plaster for all sores.
Reputations last longer than lives.
The blacksmith's horse and the cobbler's wife are always the last to have shoes.
Be first at the feast, and last at the fight.