A fence lasts three years, a dog lasts three fences, a horse three dogs, and a man three horses.
Honesty lasts longest.
A scholar's ink lasts longer than a martyr's blood.
No wonder lasts more than three days.
The anvil lasts longer than the hammer.
Eternal peace lasts only until the next war.
Peace lasts until the army comes, and the army lasts until peace comes.
The morning sun never lasts a day.
A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood.
The palest ink lasts longer than the most retentive memory.
Love lasts as long as does the reproach.
What is learnt in the cradle lasts to the grave.
Sorrow for the death of a father lasts six months; sorrow for a mother, a year; sorrow for a wife, until another wife; sorrow for a son, forever.
A day of grief lasts longer than a month of joy.
The wedding lasts for two or three days, but the trouble stays longer.
Shame lasts longer than poverty.
What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave.
Grief for a dead wife lasts to the door.
There is no flower that lasts ten days and no might lasts ten years.
Fill your garners, harvest lasts not for ever.
The credit got by a lie lasts only till the truth comes out.
While life lasts let us enjoy it.