There may be better lawyers than i, but so far I haven't come across any of them in court.
Cosby's lawyers would be wise to settle the cases early and quickly if funds are available.
I think that lawyers are terrible at admitting that they're wrong. And not just admitting it - also realizing it.
I think the lawyers are such incredible actors. Can you imagine the performance they have to do every day?
Lawyers advocate more so than state their own positions.
What do lawyers learn in law school? They learn to win... What we've got to start thinking about is how do we solve problems.
Lawyers are very important people to me.
You don't need lawyers making laws. Regular citizens can make laws. Let the lawyers work under the laws.
It's when the lawyers themselves become bad guys that you begin to have a serious problem.
That's the thing about us lawyers - if at all possible, we will consume each other.
We have doctors and lawyers and CEOs as fans.
The only real lawyers are trial lawyers, and trial lawyers try cases to juries.
Lawyers are for only what is right.
Having lawyers involved never leads to good things.
Lawyers have a dangerous job in Iran.
The extent to which lawyers and judges are interfering in politics is something that concerns many people.
Our wrangling lawyers are so litigious and busy here on earth, that I think they will plead their clients' causes hereafter, some of them in hell.
It is a secret worth knowing that lawyers rarely go to law.
Lawyers spend a great deal of time shovelling smoke.
As the number of intelligence community lawyers multiply here.
I'm happy to say on the record that we have lawyers taking a look at this, there is a process for an appeal.
We have lawyers handling, and they say the early days of insurance claims are always all smiles.
Lawyers are always asking me if I will cut some slack for their clients. My standard answer is this is not let's make a deal.
Lawyers and other professionals are using Quora to build their reputation and build their bonafides.
Lawyers have to make a living, and can only do so by inducing people to believe that a straight line is crooked.
Lawyers are very, very good at keeping you out of prison, but they will sacrifice your reputation and credibility to do so.
Lawyers didn't seriously get involved in the Watergate stories until quite late, when we realized we were on to something.
Lawyers don't run sales forces.
Lawyers are like beavers They get in the mainstream and dam it up.
Today, lawyers are attacking more; they're attacking everything. A good example is the O.J. Simpson case.