The best liars lie with their eyes rather than with their words. This might put writers at a disadvantage.
Liars are always most disposed to swear.
The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.
I was one of the most brilliant liars as a child.
Politicians are better liars than writers.
All pitchers are liars or crybabies.
Liars need good memories.
The income tax has made more liars out of the american people than golf has. Even when you make a tax form out on the level, you don't know when it's through, if you are a crook or a martyr.
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
Liars speak often so eloquently that even the truthsayer starts doubting on his own thoughts.
Figures won't lie, but liars can figure.
I have a great fondness for the liars in my stories.
All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.
Liars do look you in the eye. They do not always stutter, stammer, blush or fidget.
A lot of people are liars who I work with; that's a shame.
Congress is where the liars and thieves meet.