Caribbean literature only has to be true to itself. It doesn't need colonialism or imperialism. It's always been vibrant.
Literature - Eastern and Western - abounds with stories, myths, legends about the search for youth, for eternal life.
Dictatorship and authentic literature are incompatible... The writer is the natural enemy of dictatorship.
Asian literature is evolving with the people. It's always a reflection on what's happening to the culture at large.
The difference between literature and journalism is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.
For Mythology is the handmaid of literature; and literature is one of the best allies of virtue and promoters of happiness.
Television is the literature of the illiterate, the culture of the low-brow, the wealth of the poor, the privilege of the underprivileged, the exclusive club of the excluded masses.
Historically, science-fiction and fantasy literature is no stranger to controversy, but it has learned how to adapt and endure.