Zooey Deschanel loves music, loves musical theater, loves the show of it.
Zach Woods loves to go jet-skiing. That's a real thing in his real life. He's obsessed with it.
Your body loves you, but if you do not love your life, it will end it far sooner, thinking it is doing you a favor.
You've got loves of your life and breakups of your life, that kind of thing. They leave a mark. It stays with you, a bad aftertaste.
You know everyone loves to be the villain.
You can be a man who loves a woman but love someone the way a gay man loves another man or a woman loves a woman.
You are what you love. Not what loves you.
Yes, I'm a miserable, wretched sinner, but He loves me. And to Him, I'm His child, and I can walk in that love and that understanding.
Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.
Winning the Gloves made me believe I was somebody.
Wicked man only loves oneself so much as much that being done always by almost every woman.
Why an artist loves what they do is often so hard to describe.
Whoever loves above all the approach of love will never know the joy of attaining it.
Who someone loves should never be an issue at work or anyplace else.
Who loves well, chastises well.
If your family loves you, you're fine. What you can't grow up without is love.
I think everyone loves the armory, but it will probably be demolished because it just isn't worth it.
New loves drive out the old.
A heart that loves is always young.
Every writer loves the idea of being able to go in and fix a problem and then leave without obligation. It's fun!
I am spiritual. I believe God loves and is pulling for all of us.
I boxed in Golden Gloves at Oxford and still know how to throw a straight left jab.
Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy!
She loves hosting some holidays, loves cooking her recipes that have been handed down from the generations.
Iona loves her animals. That's what makes us think this is an odd situation.
My kid really loves bugs.
God loves us the way we are but he loves us too much to leave us that way.
A person who loves to have sycophants people around oneself is one who is worse than them only.
Friend: one who knows all about you and loves you just the same.
My autobiography would be 'Loves music, loves art, works hard, writes music, tours the world, makes records.'