I still know the lyrics to pretty much any 'Mary Poppins' song.
If you actually dissect the lyrics in 'Motley Crue', you'll notice that there's a lot going on beneath the surface.
Most times, lyrics are the last thing I listen to, being a musician.
I'm usually just writing lyrics alone in my room, but I'm happy to be producing and writing chords anywhere.
My music and my lyrics are essentially emotional postcards.
Rap lyrics are really the only thing I've ever written.
I was an usher at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith. You had to watch whatever play they had on 40 times.
Lyrics need to be good, but they don't need to be obvious right away.
The lyrics are so important to me. And that there is something going on in the lyrics. That the song actually has something to say.
My lyrics are my diary - you're hearing every detail of my life.
My music and lyrics became an extension of this Indian philosophy.
My lyrics are about same-sex relationships, because that's who I am. It was important to me that I felt comfortable expressing myself.
I'm not proud of the lyrics to 'Shake It Up.'
Sometimes, for me, lyrics are derived from poems that I'm working on, and they kind of cross back and forth between the two.
I love amazing lyrics paired with amazing melodies.
Lyrics can be important, but ultimately, what pulls people in on a song is melody and the tracks and the way music feels.
I write hate lyrics really well. It's not every day you can use them, really.
Lyrically and melodically, Drake was definitely a big influence of mine.
My music is a little dark, and my lyrics are a little darker. Every day, I'm fighting towards the light.
All of our lyrics are really personal, and we get a lot of personal letters.
Most of the lyrics are over a year old, and it doesn't feel like it's about me. Time created a distance.
Leonard Cohen is probably the greatest lyricist for music that's ever lived, you know?
I'm lyric conscious. I like to tell stories, give advice. Instead of writing a 'Dear Abby' column, I do it on records.
Lyrics are so important, but they're really underrated.
Sometimes my lyrics may describe a situation that happened to a friend. Other times, I create a story from the ground up.
I stopped writing lyrics down on paper after me and Jay-Z did 'Money In the Bank.' They're something I just hold in my mind.
Cacie Dalager's voice is beautiful, and her lyrics break my heart.
We all write the lyrics together, but Frank really shines on 'em pretty good.
The lyrics are different from Nick Cave songs and lyrics. His songs are very narrative.