I think of magazines as cultural entities rather than boxes of corn flakes that can be sold and shipped around.
I loved reading magazines about the entertainment world.
Magazines airbrush everything. If you think it's an illusion, then it probably is.
I enjoy tennis, Pilates. I read magazines and love fashion.
Magazines at some point become hostage to their own success.
Sooner or later, all magazines end up in the toilet.
The only magazines I read are car magazines.
Magazines started insinuating that I was having affairs with my co-stars. That hurt.
These tabloid magazines - I think they're hideous and the downfall of society.
Everything is about color. If you look at magazines and advertising and television, the thing you remember is the color.
We would buy more magazines if they are category leaders. We like to acquire earnings potential.
Editors of conservative magazines aren't out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank.
Newsweek is one of the most anti-Christian magazines out there.
I worked at magazines for over 10 years before I even thought of writing a book.
I used to submit to anthologies and magazines when I was a student - but I knew I was never going to be picked up.
Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a school of inattention people look without seeing, listen in without hearing.
There are so many magazines and so many editors out there that you have to be different.
At home I have hunting magazines on my nightstand. I'm an avid hunter. I hunt every chance I get.
Looking at magazines and being someone who wanted to act, as a kid, I was very much influenced by things I saw.
Thousands of fashion magazines are sold every year, but the first ever fashion magazine was sold in germany in 1586.
It doesn't take eight magazines to rob a train, the guy had a lot of ammo. His intentions seemed pretty clear.
Some men's magazines are just downright offensive.
I don't read magazines much, and I have an awful time with books.
Magazines don't go far enough to be inclusive and have at least have one model representing every major skin tone.
Publishing magazines for yourself is not good business, man.