To portray a maniac offers a compelling challenge.
I've learned not to be as maniacal as I used to be.
I'm the shyest megalomaniac you're ever likely to meet.
I'm just a bleeping maniac in straight clothing. There's no reason to dress my monster up.
I'm a maniacal perfectionist.
I'm a collecting maniac and I buy a lot of books and records. I have over thousand cds.
I was an ego maniac with a self-esteem problem and that's what most addicts are like.
I was a talented egomaniac with a self-esteem problem.
I was a maniac as a teenager; I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I was crazy.
I turn into a crying, hysterical maniac when I see a spider. It's pathetic.
I think that's what I love about my life. There's no maniacal master plan. It's just unfolding before me.
I haven't had the egomaniac star yet in any of my films. It's always been a pleasure.
Face it, you have to be sort of an egomaniac to write something down and think that anyone is going to want to read it.
Everyone has this vision of Jones as a maniacal ogre. Wrong. He was charming, sweet, and a fabulous speaker.
Am I a ranting maniac on Twitter? Yeah, but I'm also a pretty mellow, married guy who's into hiking and walking his dog.
All artists are egotistical maniacs with inferiority complexes.