I don't map out my future to the minute details.
To stay on the map you've got to keep showing up.
My first occupation was to map the country.
Everything tastes better with maple syrup.
Unsurprisingly, 77% of the maple syrup in the world is made in Quebec, Canada.
I tried the maple syrup diet. I tried the protein-only Atkins diet.
Whatever you do, you need courage. ... To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs.
Maps are living, breathing organisms that change on a daily basis You see it in new roads, bridge closures, and demolitions.
Foursquare makes maps special. We take maps that are blank and put dots on them to help you figure out what to do.
I like the map feature on the iPhone that tells me where I am, because I travel a lot.
I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies.
We are mapping out the entire country through our regional offices to identify potential issues.
Maple butter spread on a tortilla is absolutely delightful.
If one looks at the map of the world, it's difficult to find Iraq, and one would think it rather easy to subdue such a small country.
It becomes cheaper and cheaper to import u.s. Maple syrup, in the long run, it's kind of worrisome for quebec producers.
I don't think 'Motherhood' is a map for women. I would never say that it's a template for every woman in response to her biology.
I drink maple syrup. Then I'm hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off.
I had no road map for fatherhood; I had no personal history to draw from.
I look at the [strava] map and look for things I can draw. It's like looking at clouds and seeing pictures.
I love real maple syrup.
I really don't map out my life. There's no big plan.
I think, in anyone's career, you have to map out some sort of strategy of steps that take you closer to the career you want.
I would stare at maps of Delaware for hours.
I'm a great mummy. I've mapped out all the fun spots in every city.
I'm a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan, and the only other teams whose games I go to are the Rangers and the Kings.
I'm not from a maple producing area and so my maple syrup credentials are very much of the eating side.