Across generations, the torch-bearers of Carnatic music have mastered the art form of connection.
Albert had mastered calculus by the tender age of 15.
Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind.
Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind. You are your own master. You are the master and the way.
By 400bc, persian engineers mastered the technique of storing ice in the middle of desert summers.
Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
Having mastered the lesser difficulties, you will more safely venture on greater achievements.
I don't know if I'd mastered that documentary format, but I wanted to move on from it.
I feel like I've mastered Dave East. For a long time I was trying to figure out who I was and what sound I wanted to come with.
I have a fierce temper. I've mastered it over the years, but when I'm angry, no one can force me to do anything I don't want to.
I haven't mastered the art of sitting and smiling.
If I had mastered the Spanish language to any extent, I might have gone in that direction.
Once you have mastered a technique, you hardly need look at a recipe again and can take off on your own.
Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tide and gravity, we shall harness for god the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
The wise have mastered body, word and mind. They are the true masters.
Those who have mastered etiquette, who are entirely, impeccably right, would seem to arrive at a point of exquisite dullness.
We've mastered the art of making pretty music that makes you want to die.