You'll get the maximum potential out of everyone on your team when you create harmony, when you treat each employee well.
Why are we establishing maximum prices? Because it is a system to protect the consumer.
To guarantee the individual maximum freedom within a social frame of minimal laws ensures - if not happiness - its hopeful pursuit.
The maximum recommended consumption for monster energy drink is 16oz in australia, but 48oz in the u.s.a.
Why are we establishing maximum prices? Because it is a system to protect the consumer.
To guarantee the individual maximum freedom within a social frame of minimal laws ensures - if not happiness - its hopeful pursuit.
As the director, you are the organiser who has to have all the answers. You are the person with maximum clarity.
An institution which is populare because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.
Scientists estimate the Iguanodon's maximum speed would have been around 24kph (15mph).
I have toured my constituency maximum number of times as a member of the Lok Sabha among the MPs from Madhya Pradesh.