Management is announcing savings measures unilaterally and without any foundation.
Desperate people resort to desperate measures and unfortunately ... The numbers are expected to continue to soar.
For now we're not going to speculate on what measures they could take.
We have filed official complaints to the regulator so that measures are taken for this to stop.
It's past time to put measures in place that protect racehorses from abuse at the track.
Why don't they announce a whole set of remedial measures right here, right now?
If that doesn't lead to lower numbers, we'll have to find other measures and we'll have to do more contingency planning.
The measures will be a tombstone for growth prospects.
The ecb's stance to continue with stimulus measures soothed tension in the market.
We will be taking additional measures to align our cost base and operating organization during the balance of 2015.
The government measures are providing farmers hope that their income will improve going ahead.
I believe Ofsted measures poverty. It measures deprivation. It doesn't measure excellence.
I am not one for half measures or half-hearted efforts.
There has to be measures for players to know the consequences for their actions.
There are other measures of self-respect for a man, than the number of clean shirts he puts on every day.
As part of a 2011 compliance report (by schaeffler) all necessary measures were taken.
The measures we have agreed today will not end the crisis, but they are all necessary steps in the right direction.
It made his performance measures for his team look better than they actually were.
Mohs scale of hardness measures the ability of minerals to scratch each other. Talc is very soft and is listed as 1, diamond is very hard and is measured as 10.
Divestment measures would improve overall banking sector health.
Since the beginning of the week, the security measures have been reinforced, the police often come to speak to us with us.
One measures the towers by their shadows and great people by those who envy them.
I believe that all the measures of the Government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
The measures tackling the migration crisis were very positive.
If we don't take effective measures now, the Netherlands could be torn between two extreme rights.
These measures may help reduce the number of small plants, but they won't be enough for Japan to keep its emission goal.
Measures of self-government and a school council, especially for such young children, were a great innovation.