You are a golden witnessing screen. Meditation is the effortless effort to keep that screen clean, clear and relaxed.
You are a golden witnessing screen. Meditation is the effortless effort to keep that screen 24x7 clean, clear and relaxed.
Without knowledge there is no meditation, without meditation there is no knowledge: he who has knowledge and meditation is near unto nirvana.
Wisdom springs from meditation; without meditation wisdom wanes. Having known these two paths of progress and decline, let a man so conduct himself that his wisdom may increase.
Transcendental meditation is like a car, a vehicle that allows you to go within. It's a mental technique.
Through meditation and by giving full attention to one thing at a time, we can learn to direct attention where we choose.
There is no meditation without wisdom, and there is no wisdom without meditation. When a man has both meditation and wisdom, he is indeed close to nirvana.
The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment to moment.
Taking a 10-minute meditation break is something you can do anywhere in your office, and it's so easy - you're not at the altar.