A great trademark is appropriate, dynamic, distinctive, memorable and unique.
April 2nd is a memorable moment of my cricketing career.
Being a part of memorable movies has always been the goal.
Every moment is memorable to me.
For me, all days are memorable days.
For me, being memorable is more important than winning.
He nothing common did, or mean, upon that memorable scene.
I didn't know what happened, honestly, it was a brief interaction, and it wasn't memorable to me, and I'm sorry about that.
I'd say the most memorable thing for me was my dedication and motivation in how I got so involved in boxing.
If you want to live a memorable life, you have to be the kind of person who remembers to remember.
It is the imagination, not the equipment that creates memorable cinema.
Memorable occasions should be brief, and so should be the expressions of appreciation.
My most memorable moment came in 1985 as we beat the Boston Celtics.
My most memorable science fiction experience was 'Star Wars' and seeing R2D2 and C3PO. I fell in love with those robots.
My most memorable teacher was Rich Campe, my third-grade teacher at Fairlands Elementary in Pleasanton, California.