Mice tails can grow as long as their bodies.
When the cat's away the mice dance.
Mice are typically a building-wide issue, so coordinate with your property manager and neighbors for the best results.
When the cat sleeps, the mice play.
I had mice that I kept as pets when I was very young, and I've always liked the way they look. Even rats. I'm not scared of them.
Mice are usually nocturnal animals. They have poor eyesight but make up for this with their very good hearing and smell.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
The best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley.
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'menGang aft agley.
Mice have a number of predators including cats, wild dogs, foxes, birds of prey, and snakes.
The cats that drive away mice are as food as those that catch them.
Cats don't catch mice to please god.
Only the most foolish of mice would hide in a cat's ear, but only the wisest of cats would think to look there.
Suriphobia is the fear of mice.
The mice will never play with the kittens.
They go in and they do some spring cleaning, and there are mice droppings everywhere.
Shinya Yamanaka's work has involved mice and human cells, and advances the prospect of providing new cells or body parts for patients.
I'm terrified of mice or any type of rodent.
Mice use their whiskers to sense changes in temperature and to help feel the surface they are walking along.
When the cat's away the mice will play.
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
It takes a good many mice to kill a cat.
Mice care not to play with kittens.
The mice have taken themselves off.