Michelle Obama is not an average, 'It girl' woman, and I think that's why she's so fabulous.
Michelle Yeoh is the biggest amazing female Asian star in the universe.
Michelle Obama, one of my inspirations, said 'when they go low, we go high,' and it was a thing that I really carried with me.
Michelle Obama and Laura Bush are a close-knit team.
She's very loving. That's my family. That's Michelle Lambert. She is my mom.
I loved working with Michelle Fairley.
Michelle Obama was asked when life begins. According to her it's when she and Barack take over the White House.
I'd love to work with Michelle Williams. I think that she's incredible. She's such a great actress and I love her.
Edie Sedgwick, Debbie Harry, Chloe Sevigny, Michelle Obama, and my friend Eugenie Niarchos each have their own great sense of style.
Look at Michelle Pfeiffer My God, she's 50 years old, but she is still so sexy. If I were into women, I would be totally into her.
Michelle Visage rocks.
Michelle Obama - they don't call her Mooch-elle for nothing.
I've never spoken with Michelle Fields.
Yeah ben terris just threw michelle fields down.
Michelle Obama is a major asset for the president.
Michelle Kwan was an inspiration for everyone, including me.
I was starstruck by Michelle Obama. She's an amazing-looking lady, and I'm a massive Barack Obama fan anyway.
Michelle Obama blows my mind. Form and function, style and grace.
Gena Rowlands is my all-time love. Nicole Kidman, Michelle Pfeiffer. I grew up watching their work; they are extraordinary.
Michelle Obama, you're one hot mama.