Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.
One might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
The pen is mightier than sword.
From little acorns mighty oaks do grow.
A handful of might is better than a sack full of right.
Where might is master, justice is servant.
Where might is right, right is not might.
Who bows to might loses his right.
If it were not for the belly, the back might wear gold.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
Where there's no might there's no right.
Might goes before right.
Humbly bowing down before the almighty lord sri vishnu, the lord of the three worlds, I recite maxims of the science of political ethics (niti) selected from the various satras (scriptures).
The power of a king lies in his mighty arms; that of a brahmana in his spiritual knowledge; and that of a woman in her beauty youth and sweet words.
The power of a king lies in his mighty arms;that of a brahmana in his spiritual knowledge; and that of a woman in her beauty youth and sweet words.
He that has no money might as well be buried in a rice tub with his mouth sewn up.
Never boast - you might meet someone who knew you as a child.
Better to have a handful of might than a sack of justice.
If the beard were all, the goat might preach.
Many a fool might pass for a wise man if he would only keep his mouth shut.
Might and courage require wit in their suite.
Might have gone further and have fared worse.
Might is not right.
Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.
If wishes were horses, beggars might ride.
Do it today! Tomorrow it might be forbidden.
Might knows no right.
Might overcomes right.
With the help of an "if' you might put paris into a bottle.
Where might is the master, justice is the servant.