A republican government is slow to move, yet when once in motion, its momentum becomes irresistible.
The momentum is certainly on our side, but we've got a long way to go.
Our campaign has the momentum because people are sick and tired of establishment politics and establishment economics.
They really want to have the momentum going the right way.
There's always a momentum in how users do stuff. Making small changes can have huge knock-on effects for whole companies.
People have to know that when momentum for a national movement has to be built, basic things have to be talked about first.
Momentum? Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher.
When you are new, it is difficult to get momentum and get to know your team-mates when you are not regularly in the team.
Momentum is a whole lot in the game of basketball. People dwell on momentum, but that really does matter.
People with momentum can get so much done. Momentum is easy to lose and almost impossible to fake.
There is a significant momentum behind the social Internet. A wide range of public investors were very enthusiastic about that.
There are signs the growth momentum is starting to lose steam.
We are in a wait-and-see mode, momentum has been strong and should continue into year end.
Momentum is against glencore, but fundamentally the stock is very cheap, and we don't think that is justified.
We see tecentriq gaining momentum in lung cancer.
There was a consensus that the momentum which it had exhibited 2½ months ago has been halted.
There is some momentum on the quist side.
There is a certain amount of momentum that is achieved when one country after another reopens their borders.
The momentum to be able to go back home is quickly building, we may have good news as soon as this weekend.
The momentum is too strong to the bearish side, even if fundamentally nothing has changed.
The momentum is to the downside for those biotech stocks.
The momentum is still skewed to the positive despite the earnings data and some of the mixed economic data.
The momentum can be revived, first of all by a British decision to stay in the union.
The market sentiment is positive; the trend and the momentum points to further gains.