No one has a monopoly on truth, and science continues to advance. Yesterday's heresies may be tomorrow's conventional wisdom.
Amazon is not a monopoly or a monopsony, and even if it were, that by itself isn't illegal.
I don't think that the Left has a monopoly on bad ideas. I don't think the Right has a monopoly on good ideas.
Television enjoys a de facto monopoly on what goes into the heads of a significant part of the population and what they think.
Extremism is no more the monopoly of Islam than it is the monopoly of other religions, including Christianity.
The first Monopoly game I played with my brothers, I hated losing so much, I just had to beat them.
Monopoly controls have been the exception in free societies; they have been the rule in closed societies.
No civilisation can claim to have a monopoly on universal values and no one can claim to be always faithful to his own values.
At one time, the Left had a monopoly not merely of the media and academia, but also of the world of policy think tanks.
Anyone who thinks they have a monopoly on truth, and there is only one way to see the world, always gets us into trouble.
If Virgin Australia disappears, Qantas would effectively have a monopoly of the Australian skies.