You have to fight the green monster with your mind, not your fists.
You get to choose what monsters you want to slay. I'm sorry to say this again, but let's face it - the Force is with you.
You don't have people who are monsters and only do bad. There's good and bad for everybody. It's all a spectrum.
You can't simply unleash the monster and say it's too big to control, the hourglass has run out.
You can only be a monster if people let you be a monster.
Writing monsters is fun, and it's easy. When I want one, I just reach under the bed and pull it out, kicking and screaming.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn't become a monster.
When you say 'Monster Trucks,' people don't think monsters inside of trucks.
When there are monsters there are miracles.
When I saw Kiss, and it was monsters with guitars, I thought this was the greatest thing that ever happened.
We had this monster living under our roof and we didn't know, we didn't see this side of him.
We create monsters and then we can't control them.
We are constantly competing with the monsters from the id.
Tomorrow's report would have to be a monster month for us to believe june is back on the table.
There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?
Monster Mash' is one of those great, throwback Halloween songs.
The scariest monsters are human beings and what we will do to each other.
The first recorded sighting of the Loch Ness Monster was in 565 A.D.
I am not a natural show-off. Some of the monster comedians are terrifyingly assured, and I don't have that, and that's held me back.
The first monster you have to scare the audience with is yourself.
I started training at the Monster Factory, the ROH dojo, CZW, and I trained there. And eventually, I had a tryout with WWE.
The best monsters are our anxieties given form. They make sense on the level of a dream - or a nightmare.
Monsters are a storytelling tool, like domestic realism and close third.
Scary monsters are like Hula Hoops. They come in and out of fashion.
I like my monsters to be monsters.
The Monsters & Strangerz, I love them so much.
It becomes creepy or bizarre, like a monster in a movie that has vaguely human features.