We're still tracking at very high monthly numbers compared to every other market.
Charities love these monthly gifts, it helps with their cash flow.
Don't focus on weekly or monthly returns.
I usually treat myself to a monthly facial, but I also love masks.
Monthly data is problematic to look at for broader structural trends because stocks tend to distort the data.
Since the financial crisis, options volume on a monthly basis has been a direct function of demand for hedges.
It's very sad. He was relying on his monthly pension of $2,500 to get by.
I'm not the monthly comic guy, and I never really have been.
The fraction of people who are monthly users who are in fact daily users has gone way, way up.
I believe monthly comics and the extended miniseries are the true hallmarks of comic art and storytelling.
Because of the nature of monthly comics and deadline, I pretty much have to work on whatever's on fire, I'm afraid.
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, the pursuit must go on.