'Cullum' is Scottish, but I'm nowhere near Scottish. My mother is Burmese, and my father is of German, Jewish, English ancestry.
'Jamie' is what my mother gave me, and that takes the onus off of being big. Somebody thinks, 'Oh, Jamie - how threatening can he be?'
'Yes' is the mother of all positive words, next to 'love.' Maybe 'love' is the father of all positive words.
A bad mother wishes for good children.
A bad son gives his mother a bad name.
A boys best friend is his mother and there's no spancel stronger than her apron string.
A bustling mother makes a slothful daughter.
A busy mother makes slothful daughters.
A career is a career, but you're a mother until you die.
A child without a mother is like a fish in shallow water.
A circus is like a mother in whom one can confide and who rewards and punishes.
A fair day in winter is the mother of a storm.
A girl without a mother is like a mountain with no paths; a girl without a father is like a mountain with no streams.
A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween.
A guilty conscience is the mother of invention.
The mother-in-law must be entreated, and the pot must be let stand.
The servant wench that has a mother in town swoons seven times a day.
There is no mother like the mother that bore us.
A mother is a school, preparing her is like preparing a good nation.
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
If power is for sale, sell your mother to buy it. You can always buy her back again.
Only a mother can understand the suffering of a son.
The liar's mother is a virgin.
The mother of someone who is killed can sleep; the mother of the murderer cannot.
Diligence is the mother of success (good luck).
Every mother thinks her own gosling a swan.
Idleness is the mother of all evil.
Like mother.
The good mother says not "will you" but gives.