Zebra crossings (pedestrian crossings) are named after the black and white stripes of zebras.
Your name is a funny thing. It stands for what you're about, and everything I do is really about pride.
You're not a foreigner, are you? Yet you're not vietnamese either. You're somewhere in between.
You see the names of places roundabout? They're mine now, and I've turned them inside out.
You name the TV psychic - they're con men.
You name the sport, I've played it. I was quarterback for a football team one year, played volleyball, played softball - you name it.
You name the sci-fi shows, and I'm a huge sucker for them.
You name the demonstration; I was at it.
You name me a Super Bowl that had a pacifistic defense, and I'll give you my paycheck. I'm serious. There aren't any.
You name it, we're out there with the latest and the best cutting edge.
You name it, we had it. It won't happen again. You're not going to duplicate this show.
You name it, I'm interested in a lot of things.
You know, I was once named Minor League Player of the Year... Unfortunately, I had been in the majors for two years at the time.
You have to have a name when you're young, I went through loads.
You Google my name and it lights up the screen. I'm 20 years minus a resume, so it's hard.
Name not a rope in his house that was hanged.
Moral excellence is an ornament for personal beauty; righteous conduct, for high birth; success for learning; and proper spending for wealth.
Moral excellence is an ornament for personal beauty;righteous conduct,for high birth; success for learning;and proper spending for wealth.
A man from britain changed his name to tim pppppppppprice to make it harder for telemarketers to pronounce.
Earth is the only planet that is not named after a god.
A "jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.
A person with a bad name is already half-hanged.
Give a dog a tasty name and eat him.
A good name is better than oil (i.e. Riches).
Bite me not, my name is little grizzle; had I a little tail I should be a little lion.
He that hath an ill name is half hanged.
With a good name one may easily sin.
A good name is better than a girdle of gold.
A good name is a second inheritance.
A change of name or place may sometimes save a person.