NASA has been scattered to the four winds.
The 18,000 NASA employees are full of galactic talents and abilities and are ready to accomplish whatever they're directed to do.
All the NASA footage is in the public domain, and it's so beautiful; it's really stunning.
Joining NASA was very exciting, but it was the hardest decision I have had to make in my life.
I'm a major NASA nerd, so I've spent a lot of time learning about the space race and the Apollo missions.
It may be a way NASA can leverage off commercial capability.
What nasa is doing is a step in the right direction, if I could fly supersonic transport, I could reduce that [travel] time.
The folks at NASA really look at the world and try to envision how things can be better.
NASA wanted to assure its ability to examine the spacecraft in orbit for signs of damage.
Our hope is that NASA would be the primary customer for that structure.
NASA trains you to assess emergency situations and react in a way to keep yourself and everyone else safe.
I've got a nasa base in my district, and apparently, they're telling you one thing and me a different thing.
You think NASA is going to be cutting edge, but they've got so many buildings that are just left over from the '60s. It's old.
NASA has spin-offs, and it's a huge and very impressive list, including accurate and affordable LASIK eye surgery.
NASA didn't give a crap what gender you were or what race you were. If you could do the math, you were valuable.
My dad worked at NASA his whole career; he's a research scientist.
NASA space scientists have been studying giraffe skin so they can apply what they learn from it to the construction of spacesuits.
Science at NASA is all about exploring the endless frontier of the Earth and space.
What we do at NASA is inspiring. It's reaching, it's visionary, and it inspires people on Earth to try hard things.
I'm absolutely compelled for NASA to send international astronauts to Mars to find out if Mars ever harbored life.
In 1966, NASA took over in space, and it has been a bureaucratic mess ever since.
The NASA humans-to-Mars program is all sizzle and no steak.
Even though NASA tries to simulate launch, and we practice in simulators, it's not the same - it's not even close to the same.
NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts - we wear those a lot - and NASA T-shirts.
I thought that NASA didn't take biologists and so nothing would come of it. But I knew I would regret it if I did not apply.
I will defend the NASA Earth Science Division with everything I've got.