I actually interned at NBC News with my wonderful colleague Mark Murray in the political unit back in 2005.
I think NBC bought SCTV because it was developing a nice cult feel.
NBC programs great shows; it just doesn't have the eyeballs CBS does.
The NBC using us on air is a great endorsement of quality.
NBC is working with a team of astrophysicists to create a new day of the week.
NBC gives comedies a chance to find their legs.
I was raised on NBC television.
The NBC News people won't get caught dead on MSNBC.
My role at NBC was president of 'NBC News.' I had that role for eight years.
One of the nicest things about NBC is that Tom Brokaw is not Dan Rather.
NBC anchor Brian Williams is a standup comic in disguise.
By any measure, NBC is a corporation.
Nbc has the full tape of the original lisa myers interview, nbc ought to check its archive and run the full interview.
My career at nbc would be over before it even got going.
Today NBC makes certain content available online and I can't imagine we will change that process.
NBC sort of let me do my thing. They never told me what to say and what not to say. It was pretty weird.