'Tiempos del Mundo' is insignificant as far as the newspaper market is concerned here in Buenos Aires.
A day without newspapers is like walking around without your pants on.
A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.
A good newspaper is never nearly good enough but a lousy newspaper is a joy forever.
A harsh reality of newspaper editing is that the deadlines don't allow for the polish that you expect in books or even magazines.
A lot of newspapers say, Terence Stamp is playing himself and we're as bored as he is.
A magazine or a newspaper is a shop. Each is an experiment and represents a new focus, a new ratio between commerce and intellect.
A newspaper consists of just the same number of words, whether there be any news in it or not.
A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.
A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.
A newspaper is the lowest thing there is.
A newspaper should be the maximum of information, and the minimum of comment.
A Swedish newspaper reporter called and said, You've been awarded the Prize. I was quite sure it was a practical joke.
Accuracy is to a newspaper what virtue is to a lady, but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
Accuracy to a newspaper is what virtue is to a lady; but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.
There is a daily newspaper column in Thailand devoted solely to Scrabble.
We're no longer a newspaper in the morning, we're a 24/7 newspaper organization.
Newspapers are the world's mirrors.
I was shocked when I would read a newspaper from that time, and the Freedom March wasn't even mentioned.
Every editor of newspapers pays tribute to the devil.
So, the newspaper came on a sunday - monday was a line of producers trying to find out what the show was all about.
This is really nothing new, newspaper people make people mad on a daily basis. It sort of comes with the territory.
As one of the most liberal newspapers in the united states, the poll results were just too much for them to bear.
If you're ever confused as to the value of newspaper editors, look at the blog world. That's all you need to see.
It's more of a headline for newspapers than anything else.
My feelings towards the newspapers are very affectionate.
I've thought for years that newspapers should all be owned by nonprofits.
I have newspapers coming to me and saying, 'Can we get in on the TARP?'.