If Europe's outer border is not blocked off, it makes no sense to speak of quotas.
I do not believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth.
Language is a virus from outer space.
Inner beauty magnifies outer beauty.
Inner improvements create outer ones.
Soap has a high ph that can disrupt the outer layer of your skin and cause inflammation and dryness.
Just put it in the outer crease, or put it on the lash line.
We're in the space exploration business, and the outer solar system is a wild, wooly place. We haven't explored it very well.
The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.
Outer beauty will take you miles; inner beauty will take you around the world.
We don't know how many jetties are destroyed on the outer islands and whether ships carrying aid can land.
I always liked 'The Outer Limits' as a kid. More than 'The Twilight Zone.'
The british house of lords is the british outer mongolia for retired politicians.
As we age, the epidermis (the skin's outer layer) thins and weakens, making it susceptible to dehydration and wrinkling.
A polar bear's outer fur is called 'guard hair'.
Solar wind in outer space is a stream of charged particles that come from the Sun.
The outer world is a reflection of our inner selves.
I'm not really concerned with the outer success.
One of my most important 'Secrets of Adulthood' Outer order contributes to inner calm.
I don't have to go into outer space to write about an astronaut.
I came from the outer suburbs of Melbourne, so you do learn how to survive in that environment.
And then when I went to Chicago, that's when I had these outer space experiences and went to the other planets.
By reshaping or decorating our outer selves, we express our inner sense of self 'I like that' becomes 'I'm like that.'
The outer passes away; the innermost is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
When you look in the mirror, your 'appearance,' that outer you, is what you see first.