A blushing lie is better than the pale truth.
Better to blush once than pale a hundred times.
Pale sunlight, pale the wall. Love moves away. The light changes I need more grace than I thought.
And I looked, and behold, a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was death.
Pale death with impartial tread beats at the poor man's cottage door and at the palaces of kings.
Pale hands I loved beside the shalimar, where are you now? Who lies beneath your spell? Whom do you lead on rapture's roadway, far, before you agonize them in farewell?
Our mission is to preserve our palestinian history before islam and after islam.
I want to be very clear that we condemn, in the strongest terms, palestinian violence against innocent israeli citizens.
This is really beyond the pale in terms of its aggressive marketing to kids.
The palestinians are broke.
We will be doing what the palestinians want and in conformity with the arab league.
We respect decisions by the palestinian judiciary on the principle of the independence of the judicial authority.
The baby has a very sensitive palette so they can detect those small changes.
Pale death knocks with impartial foot at poor men's hovels and king's palaces.
Palestinians are saying 'palestinian lives matter.' we stand with you, we support you, we say god bless you.
I told them, 'we live in scotland.' she is a redhead and she has a pale complexion. That's just the way she is.
Heron's eggs have a greenish-blue pale color.
The Palestinian Authority refuses on an ongoing basis to take the necessary steps to prevent terrorists from getting into Israel.
If the Palestinian Authority continues to attack us, I assume we will consider other steps.
The Palestinian national movement is not an Islamic religious movement.
There won't be a palestinian state within israel.
The Palestinian Rifle is ready and we will aim it if they try to prevent us from praying in Jerusalem.
We need to see a Palestinian state.
The Palestinian Authority gets money from the American taxpayer.
It's for the Palestinians to decide who will lead them.
It's preferable for the Palestinians to become citizens of the state than for us to divide the country.
If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I'd eventually join one of the terrorist organizations.
If we see to it that the Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians have jobs, we will actually be securing our own future.
The worst excesses of the Congress of the 1980s pale in comparison with what is going on in Washington today.