Whoever eats a pancake never counts the holes in it.
There is no making pancakes without breaking the eggs.
You can't make pancakes without breaking eggs.
These pancake flat shoes just don't give you the support or cushioning you need.
The first pancake is always a failure.
In the US, Pancake Day is commonly known as 'Mardi Gras', which is French for 'Fat Tuesday'.
The second side of a pancake takes half the amount of time to cook as the first a good tip to remember.
In Hue, Vietnam, we had savory rice pancakes with crumbled shrimp and pork rinds. I've still never had a version as good.
Once, in Australia, I ate 33 pancakes in 20 minutes, and I only did it because they said a girl could never enter the competition.
I used a lot of pancake makeup and a prayer, and a Buddhist chant.
I'm not into pancake things. I'm into eggs. Lots of eggs.
In 1994, a record for the largest pancake ever tossed measured 15.01m wide, 2.5cm deep and weighed 3 tonnes!
When I was a child, I named my rabbit Pancake and my guinea pig Maple Syrup.
I love to make pancakes and French toast - vegan, gluten free, sugar-free. And if it tastes good I'm the proudest person in the world.
'8 Miles to Pancake Day' is a reconciliation of the classic space-time dilemma.