You have to have wonderful actors for material, particularly difficult material that requires complicated performances.
You had a particularly overly aggressive group of students who came into contact with ateacherwho suffered from brain damage.
You don't particularly want to stay close to your ex-wife. Or why would she be your ex-wife?
Yeah, it is particularly upsetting to be called, whatever it was, sneery, or a snob, given the background I have.
Writing music - particularly music without lyrics - calls almost exclusively on the subconscious.
When Facebook went public, they didn't have a particularly strong model of governance.
What you've seen from the 1980s, particularly in this country, is far fewer people doing Saturday jobs and doing jobs after school.
What I particularly liked about Nineties hip hop was it had a certain reverence for the groove that I hadn't been hearing in a while.
What I find, particularly with young writers and readers, is that they don't want complicated feelings.
We'd be particularly interested in areas that have not been in our product offering such as insurance and sovereign ratings.