'Glory' pays tribute to honorable men who faced unimaginable discrimination even as they fought to preserve basic human rights.
A dead man pays no debts.
A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.
A man's confidence only pays when everything else just stays aways in his life.
A woman's clothes are the price her husband pays for peace.
Acting is a great gig. It pays well, I get to meet some nice people, and it allows me to play a lot of golf. I'm a real lucky guy.
Acting kind of pays my bills more than music does.
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
Anybody that pays attention to hate really is wasting their time. I don't subscribe. I don't buy in.
Anyone who pays attention to these things can easily see the incredible bond that everyone in my family shares.
Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
Costco pays their workers good wages with benefits while selling good products at competitive prices and remaining quite profitable.
Death pays all debts.
Despair is the price one pays for setting himself an impossible aim.
Despair is the price one pays for setting oneself an impossible aim.
Someone pays me a hundred bucks every Tuesday to DJ. I don't think I'll ever give that up.
The price that one pays for refusing to act on the truth as one sees it, is to be led to believe untruth to avoid guilt.
The truth is, no one pays more tax than they have to.
In business, no one pays you to have a really good year and then 10 bad years.
You have to ask these questions who pays the piper, and what is valuable in this life?
Hard work pays off - hard work beats talent any day, but if you're talented and work hard, it's hard to be beat.
When you're a mid-list writer, it pays to write fast.
Hard work pays off if you stay true to yourself and dedicated.
It pays to get drunk with the best people.
When a club pays money it's because it's his value in the market.
I don't think it pays to just be an artist, particularly for kids of color - there will be fewer roles.
The White man pays Reverend Martin Luther King so that Martin Luther King can keep the Negro defenseless.
Everyone pays lip service to this whole idea of doing more new plays, and nobody ever does it.