Civilizations die from philosophical calm, irony, and the sense of fair play quite as surely as they die of debauchery.
I'm not philosophically opposed to raising the retirement age... I accept the fact that I may have to raise my retirement age for that.
Maybe I'm being philosophical and spiritual, but I believe that if you put negative energy out there that that is what will come back.
To philosophical materialists God is no more than an idea in the human mind, and not a very important idea.
A lot of the foundational philosophical approaches of tech leaders are actually all about decentralization of power.
To be a philosophical sceptic is, in a man of letters, the first and most essential to being a sound, believing Christian.
Trump shows no philosophical or moral compass and is so divisive that his negative ratings are sky high.
To the extent that philosophical positions both confuse us and close doors to further inquiry, they are likely to be wrong.