One of my all-time favorite photographers is Irving Penn. I wish I could have watched him work.
I'm self-taught and emailed photographers I knew if I had questions I couldn't figure out from the manual or online.
My relationships with producers or photographers - these are relationships that took years.
I think photographers are too polite. There is not enough anger in photography; it's pretty much trivialized.
A lot of fashion photographers will do the same sort of image for many years; it's easier to be successful if you do that.
I know most of the photographers in Ireland. And if I don't want my photograph taken, they will leave me alone.
Photographers never want to talk about the fact that they may well be in decline. It's the greatest taboo subject of all.
One of my favorite photographers is Ruvan Wijesooriya, who takes most of the LCD photos. His work is incredibly colloquial and raw.
I get photographers hiding in my bushes. We're way past autographs. We're into being stalked and followed.
A lot of photographers walk around looking for something 'out there,' but I'm very much interested in what's 'in here.'