See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck; see a pin and let it lie, bad luck you'll have all day.
Who picks a tool unsuited to a task should not complain if it does no more than cut the hand that holds it.
He that pelts every barking dog, must pick up a great many stones.
He that picks up all sorts of wood, soon gets an armful.
Those who don't pick roses in summer won't pick them in winter either.
Who moves, picks up, who stands still, dries up.
Children pick up words, as pigeons peas, and utter them again as god shall please.
The blind man has picked up a coin.
The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs.
Let everyone pick his own nose.
He who does not pick up a pin cares nothing for his wife.
Little birds may pick a dead lion.
Please the eye, and pick the purse.
The wolf picks up the ass's fleas by moonlight.
There is no lock, if the pick is of gold.
My game has really picked up in the NBA.
I honestly can't pick a favorite person I like to work with - that would be like choosing a favorite child!
I left school at 15, didn't pick up my GCSEs, didn't do A-levels, didn't go to uni.
We fight smart, fight intelligent, pick our shots, be very smart about how we place our feet. That's how we win.
That's called a microphone. It's a big sausage that picks up everything you say - and you're starting early.
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in stranger's gardens.
It's a pretty intuitive process, picking the projects that I want to get involved with.
I don't go out and pick fights.
Pick a position. I mean, that's what leaders do.
Bella actually picked me.
I like to pick my causes and not be forced into doing something.
If I get rejected for a part, I pick myself up and say, 'OK, not today, maybe tomorrow I'll get this other part or something.'
Manhattan has been pretty picked over.
Remember, you can always stoop and pick up nothing.