You need explosive plays to win.
You know, my sister sings, my brother plays drums in my band. My whole family is a bunch of musicians.
You can write 16 plays and not make as much money as you did doing one movie.
You can put in all the plays in the world, but if a guy is not executing it's not going to work.
You are the plays you write. How on earth could you write them otherwise? They're projections of your own predilections.
Writing plays fast and loose with the past.
Without a conscious effort, all of my plays have all featured gay characters. I'm proud of that.
With plays that require any kind of reading program, I'm reading for a couple of years before using the material.
With 'Westworld,' the player piano plays a very important role.
Winning titles plays a big role in the Ballon d'Or race.
Whoever plays well on a given day, that player wins.
Whether it's one play in the NFL or 1,000 plays in the NFL, your pads will come off eventually.
When you don't make the plays that you know you're capable of making, it's frustrating.
When the team plays better, individuals play better as well.
When the prior plays cards, what will the monks do?
I play my Xbox and PlayStation at home. Then, when I'm on the road, I'll bring my Vita with me to play games like 'Snake Eater.'
I used to do a lot of plays in English, Hindi, and Urdu. I wanted to be an actor since I was three and a half.
My daughter plays keyboard very well, and my son plays guitar, and they're totally into music.
Shakespeare's plays are more violent than 'Scarface.'
I don't mind watching plays once in a while, but as long as I don't have to be in them.
Nick plays a corrupt politician, which is kind of a redundant statement.
In my screenplays - from the very beginning I've always used tape. I talk my screenplays. And then have somebody transcribe them.
Everyone who plays this game wants to continue to improve.
Understand that nutrition plays a huge role in athletes' lives, and one of the most nutritious ways to eat is to cook your own food.
Science plays a huge role in our lives. We're surrounded by technology, we depend on it.
I think, for me, I'm making the right plays and finding my teammates if I'm not open and finishing strong around the rim.
I used to be PlayStation only, but Xbox 360 is really cool, so we play 'Live' and 'Tiger.'
I feel like no one plays the game to be normal, average. Or I don't.
Literature plays a huge role in examining difficult real-life issues.
Kevin Zeitler, who plays for the Browns, he watches quite a bit of anime.