That is China's industry dilemma surplus in fuel capacity, but short in petrochemicals.
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down.
When I met my wife 20 plus years ago, she was a vegetarian, so I was the closest thing to the devil that she had ever met.
People have this conception of plus size models as girls who aren't fit or don't work out or don't really take care of their bodies.
Fascism is capitalism plus murder.
My philosophy? Simplicity plus variety.
Ronaldo plus Juventus does not guarantee the Champions League. There are so many components in football.
Three meals plus bedtime make four sure blessings a day.
Less regulation plus less taxation plus less litigation always equals more innovation and job creation.
I would say Mick Jagger plus Mr. Furley equals Howard Wolowitz.
You'd rather have a surplus versus a shortage in your position.
Seventy percent store-bought, ready-made plus 30 percent fresh allows you to take 100 percent of the credit.
My plant-based diet plus fish is to credit for my low blood pressure, high energy, and robust immunity.
I want to do content-oriented plus commercial films.
It's a plus to have a twin sister in the same tournaments.
Great clinical care plus a great experience equals patient retention, loyalty and patient advocacy.
I am I plus my circumstances.
I don't think we have a surplus of fine educators in this country that we can just start dropping them for no reason whatsoever.
I have an I.Q. Of 100 plus a little bit. I have to work real hard to get things when I read.
I have done 200 plus films in other languages.
I run six-to-eight miles a day, plus weights and aerobics in the lunch hour. I also lie a lot, which keeps me thin.
I think it is - the biggest plus the performer can have is to be a little unique.
I'm a prosecutor, plus I'm from a different culture. I'm different than them.
I'm already the face of the UFC, plus the face of boxing, WWE, and Hollywood.
If a equals success, then the formula is a equals x plus y plus z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.
If a is success in life, then a equals x plus y plus z. Work is x y is play and z is keeping your mouth shut.
If people believed in $70 a barrel plus for the next 18 months, they would be foolish to be underweight now.
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.