Pluto and charon are both mind-blowing, I think that the biggest surprise is the complexity we're seeing in both objects.
Pluto and charon are both mindblowing, I think that the biggest surprise is the complexity we're seeing in both objects.
Our knowledge of the pluto system is about to be dramatically revolutionized by new horizons.
We wondered why pluto was a misfit.
Pluto has turned out to be an extraordinarily complex, interesting world.
There are times when pluto is closer to the sun than neptune one of these timelines was from 1979 to 1999.
In the time it takes Pluto to go around the Sun once, 1028 years have passed on Mercury!
Pluto is as far across as Manhattan to Miami, but its atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's.
I call Pluto the harbinger.
The Pluto system is much more complex than I had expected.
Pluto and its brethren are the most populous class of planets in our solar system.
Pluto is showing us a diversity of landforms and complexity of processes that rival anything we've seen in the solar system.
Pluto is the new Mars.
Pluto has a very interesting history, and there is a lot of work that we need to do to understand this very complicated place.
Pluto has strong atmospheric cycles it snows on the surface; the snows sublimate and go back into the atmosphere each 248 year orbit.
My job was to produce plutonium that was used for atomic bomb.
In 2006 Pluto was demoted to the status of dwarf planet.
I think Pluto has to be considered among the places in the solar system that are possible homes for life.