All poems say the same thing, and each poem is unique. Each part reproduces the others, and each part is different.
As a child, I learned hundreds of poems by heart, which I can recite to this day.
Favorite poems are like favorite children. We definitely have them but we never tell as the others would have their feelings hurt.
Ginsberg's Collected Poems contains a wonderful poem about making it with Neal Cassady.
I believe in rooting poems in actual places, even if you move into some other extraordinary realm.
I consider my films to be poems that are all as personal as my writing and as hand-made.
I don't really feel my poems are mine at all. I didn't create them out of nothing. I owe them to my relations with other people.
I don't want to write poems about the royal wedding. I would have to be moved by the event.
I have written symphonic poems and chamber music. It is my way of personal expression.
I learn a lot about my poems when I read them by the way people respond to them.
I like poems and keep sharing them online.
I like poems that are complex.
I like poems that inspire, that make us think and reflect. It's like putting love into the world for whoever picks it up.
I like poems where you don't really know whether to laugh or cry when you read them.
I like poems you can tack all over with a hammer and there are no hollow places.
Many of my poems are not sexual.
The great poems are not about experience, but are the experience itself, felt in the body.
It's difficult to learn poems off by heart that don't rhyme.
Poems that come swiftly are usually the ones that you keep.
If I wasn't writing poems I'd be washing my hands all the time.
I tend to like poems that engage me - that is to say, which do not bore me.
I would rather write poems than prose, any day, any place. Yet each has its own force.
To realise belatedly that there are Swahili epic poems which rival their European equivalents for sweep and power has been exciting.
I turn to poems to find spaces that might enlarge, rather than distill, experience.
Writing poems is a chance to construct spaces that I want to imaginatively inhabit.
You litter poems with too much learning when you're younger.
The few bad poems which occasionally are created during abstinence are of no great interest.
My first collection of poems was published by Bloodaxe Books, which was then a very new imprint.