Technology is moving quickly. Policy is not moving as quickly.
Our policy is European and Euro-Atlantic integration. There is no substitute for NATO.
But I don't get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or from my pope.
We need to see each other's development and policy intentions from a more positive perspective with less cold war mentality.
The Democrats have no actual policy proposals of their own unless constant carping counts as a policy.
There is an insurance policy issued against alien abduction. Around 50,000 policies have been sold, mainly to residents of the u.s. And england.
Obama's space policy doesn't differ much from George W. Bush's.
There was a policy at Hughes against drinking at lunch, but the men ignored it.
We have no quarrel with a policy that seeks to support human rights.
U.s. Policy since the 1990s has been to hold countries to the same standards.
There should be a zero tolerance policy for extremists and terrorism.
Under this pope, the vatican's foreign policy looks south.
This is a new policy for the taliban, they want to create fear among residents so they cannot resume their normal lives.
Intensified policy loosening will help effectively halt the economic slowdown.
I think Americans should have a policy of love. That should be the foreign policy, love. Export Love.
A lot of my foreign policy expertise is a result of spending time talking to him, as well as a variety of other sources.
Because of this policy of giving licenses to illegal immigrants we continue to be non-compliant with the federal guidelines.
It's just a no-brainer from a policy standpoint.
Policy at this level moves at a slower pace than people would prefer, but it is years, not decades away.
Everybody else's foreign policy is bulls-t, I'm going to vote for him because he runs a f-ing business.
This is plainly a policy directed at petrobras, that will have an indirect positive impact on the sugar sector.
We serve all communities and we do not tolerate any policy or practice that discriminates against any group.
The policy (parente) put in place was the scapegoat of this whole crisis, the pressure on him was enormous.
It could be the policy at their surgery center.
It is filled with many slogan-like clauses and is more like a policy document than legislation.
Monetary policy must aim at influencing both nominal interest rates and inflation expectations.
People of color have been targeted by police, there is policy brutality.
When ideological and policy differences aren't as great, it's only natural for the candidates to focus on personal issues.
The policy packages are positive for industry ... But they need to be improved.