I understand the penalty comes with potentially ousting me from the senate, I openly invite and accept the consequences.
The list of women to potentially be on a major party ticket, in both parties, is embarrassingly short.
If they puncture and open the batteries, they can potentially cause burns in the mouth.
Absolutely anything that you potentially stand to be as a human being stems from nutrition, end of story.
There are potentially more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Some, called dwarf galaxies, are very small with about 10 million stars, while others are huge containing an estimated 100 trillion stars.
What happens pre-military could be potentially important information that we don't always get.
I'm potentially worth a lot of money, but I've got to go and make something that's worth a lot of money.
Twenty-five million children can potentially benefit from this intervention... So there is still work to do.
We could potentially revolutionize the flavoring of foods, some people might find it creepy.