Every potter praises his pot, and most of all the one that is cracked.
Every potter praises his pot, especially if cracked.
The potter eats from broken plates.
Every potter vaunts his own pot.
The potter sleeps soundly, for no one would steal clay.
Potter envies potter, and smith smith.
Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Good evening england. This is gillie potter speaking to you in english.
The whole harry potter series contains 199 chapters, 4,224 pages and 1,090,739 words and has been made into 19 hours and 39 minutes of film.
The hogwarts express from the harry potter movies is a real train in scotland.
Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is the only film in the series not in the 50 highest-grossing films list.
The author of the Harry Potter series, J.K.Rowling, is the first billionaire author in the world.
Potter is jealous of potter, and craftsman of craftsman; and the poor have a grudge against the poor, and the poet against the poet.
We believe 'Peter Rabbit' because Beatrix Potter believes it. You have to.
Harry Potter is awesome.
The sixth Harry Potter film - I don't like my performance in that film at all.