The smallest ten prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.
Tony Abbott is the Prime Minister of Australia. Tony Abbott will be coming to Victoria on a regular basis.
The prime minister's views are extremely close to our way of thinking.
The prime minister feels that we should not deviate from our agenda of economic reforms and development.
The prime minister discussed this and KFW in principle agreed to examine our request, we are looking for low-cost loans.
I got out of it for a while, I was in the prime of my career, and I wasn't capitalizing on it.
I'm quite optimistic. I think the prime minister and the president have a very good relationship.
We demand the resignation of the prime minister on moral grounds.
Our prime minister has always believed in dialogue as far as India is concerned, so I'll be going there this month.
We demand to have one prime minister with only two deputies.
I congratulate you, Mr. Prime Minister, on your joining in this call. This is an important call.
The prime minister will hold dialogue with the agitating parties in the Terai in the coming days.
To me, being in your prime means playing your best and feeling your best, too.
Please remember, Modi as a Prime Minister has destroyed the economy through demonetisation and GST.
The feelings of the individual are the prime authority in ethics. 'If it feels good, do it' is the basic ethical ideal of humanism.
I am leaving the post of prime minister this evening with a feeling of accomplishment.
The prime purpose of eloquence is to keep other people from talking.
This is unprecedented, no president or prime minister or interior minister has ever dared to do something like this.
Prime minister mariano rajoy is an honest man who has worked tirelessly to rebuild a country that the psoe left devastated.
We will fight until the prime minister withdraws this abomination.
I usually need a can of beer to prime me.
We saw what the civilians did before. If the soldier is prime minister, it's better for all of us.
The largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits. The new prime number is 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161 times, minus 1.
Any prime number higher than three, when squared and subtracted by one, will always turn out to be a multiple of 24.
The Number 29 is the tenth prime number.
I'm a mom. I'm the wife of a Prime Minister. I'm Sophie. So yes, I try to express with integrity who I am through what I'm wearing.
I would like Modi to become the Prime Minister and expand the Gujarat model of development across the country.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi worked to make the country safe.
If I was prime minister, there would be absolutely zero risk that Brexit wouldn't happen.
The Prime Minister has an absolute genius for putting flamboyant labels on empty luggage.